Making a difference through compassion

recent fundraising

Our latest events have had great turnout; the wine auction, mani/pedis at TT Nails is always a good time! 


We are committed to helping through compassion and strength. Please email if you'd like to help.

mission & vision

No need is too small and no voice is too quiet to be heard. We will devote the time and energy necessary to educate, advocate and feed.

Check us out!

About seacan

SEACAN, Southeast Asia Compassion Assistance Network, is a complete non-profit organization that is committed to help improve the lives of those less fortunate and disabled. Currently we alternate our support between local needs and those in Vietnam.

We are a small group of ordinary people living in the Pacific Northwest. We founded the Southeast Asian Compassion Assistance Network, SEACAN, out of our common awareness and need to serve and help people worldwide and in our own communities to improve their health and well being through compassion. Our efforts in bringing food, supplies, education and resources to the poor and forgotten communities is the driving force that keeps our compassion focused and our beliefs void of religious and political influences.

SEACAN is a non-profit organization that believes that when we pool our resources, we can make significant impacts on the quaility of life for people suffering throughout the world.

Southeast Asia Compassion Assistance Network, Federal EIN: 26-1820168